My big revelation about the extremely good LOST finale comes via a great assessment of the finale on The Rabbit Room website: Sideways world is like a postmodern Graytown from CS Lewis' The Great Divorce, where people don't leave until they're ready. Lewis wrote about God's love like this: "God cannot ravish; He can only woo." Such seems to be the experience of the characters not just in sideways Los Angeles, but throughout the series, as well. During the years that we followed them, they weren't ready to know everything about the island, themselves, each other, etc. They needed the journey. Some weren't ready to leave the Graytown hell (Ana Lucia, Michael, Ben), perhaps because of a refusal to peer past the filth of their sins. The ones that were ready, though, experienced true, eternal love and light, the light that Jack glimpsed just before he died on the island. The show pointed to the beauty of free will, what GK Chesteron called "the valour and dignity of the soul."
Say what you will about the show failing to wrap up lose ends or answer all the questions, but ultimately the show was about characters, not mysteries. It asked the big, humanistic questions, and avoided cynicism. The finale was about the triumph of love -- not merely romantic love, but agape love. It was the perfect ending.
We are just pilgrims
Of the great divorce;
I am witness to the light
And I am captive to my own remorse.
And the weight of glory, if you held it in your hand
It would pass right through you, so now's your chance
Would you fall to the high countries?
Out on the green plains
I am but a ghost
Bound up with all that I call mine
Still the light grows.
- "The High Countries" by Sandra McCracken
The Vampire Diaries- The ways to make it good again (and whether this new
season is taking advantage of said ways)
The Vampire Diaries used to be one of the most shockingly good guilty
pleasures ever to suck us in and force us to start defending it. Then the
last seaso...
11 years ago
This entry makes me love the finale even more. I'm sure the writers of lost would love the cs lewis comparison.